Naples Community Orchestra (NCO) announces their 2020 season. NCO concerts will be held at Moorings Presbyterian Church, and will feature seating and acoustics. Performances are Friday evenings at 7:00 PM and Saturday afternoons at 3:30 PM.
- Friday, January 17th, & Saturday, January 18th – “Pops! Time-Honored Melodies” featuring Jessica Grové and pianist Jodie DeSalvo
- Friday, February 7th & Saturday, February 8th – “Brahms and Mozart” featuring Clarinetist Bixby Kennedy
- Friday, March 13th & Saturday, March 14th – “A Tribute to Beethoven” featuring Pianist Dror Biran
- Friday, April 17th & Saturday, April 18th – “Brahms and Mozart Revisited” featuring Violinist Stella Chen
Tickets are $30 for individual performances and $100 for a season subscription.