Home SWFL InsiderIn the Sunshine What can you do to protect nesting sea turtles?

What can you do to protect nesting sea turtles?

by The 100 Companies

Loggerhead sea turtles crawl onto SWFL beaches to dig nests and lay eggs from May through August. Hatchlings emerge after 60 days, and nests continue to hatch through October. Human activities can impact nesting turtles, so follow guidelines to keep the beach dark and safe for nesting season.

Tips to follow include moving chairs or other furniture off the beach at night, not touching or disturbing any nesting turtles and picking up your trash. Although Loggerhead turtles are the most common in SWFL, all five species of sea turtles found in Florida waters are protected as threatened or endangered species.

– Katie Betz, C2 Communications

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