Home SWFL InsiderCharitable Notes Local business owners raising funds for McCarter’s BBQ

Local business owners raising funds for McCarter’s BBQ

by The 100 Companies

Fort Myers business owners are trying to raise $50,000 to help restore McCarter’s Barbeque.

The restaurant was originally launched on Henderson Avenue in the 1960s by Willie McCarter’s parents. They later moved to its Cranford Avenue location in the 1970s.

After the devastating impact of Hurricane Ian, McCarter began cooking under a tent. However, he was forced to shut down the restaurant following knee surgery.

A little more than $13,000 has been raised so far, with the next fundraiser taking place on Saturday, Sept. 28, featuring Southern Tapas and Wine: Delicious Creations by Chef Lauren Daniels of Southern Charm Bistro.

 Emiline Tiburcio, C2 Communications

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