Join Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and partners in January for the 2022 Festival of Birds. Festival participants can enjoy in-person field trips to wildlife hotspots throughout Southwest Florida, virtual presentations from experts, and virtual and live adventures.
WHAT: Festival of Birds
WHEN: Jan. 5 through 31, 2022
WHERE: In-person field trips throughout Southwest Florida, virtual presentations
from experts, live-streaming virtual activities and onsite activities at the
Rookery Bay Environmental Learning Center.
HOW: Register at RookeryBay.org
COST: $45 for all-inclusive festival pass, plus additional field trip costs
With the all-inclusive pass, Festival of Birds attendees receive access to all activities, including nine presentations; a keynote address; free admission to the Environmental Learning Center; virtual education experiences; live-streaming trivia event; bird banding demonstrations; and local author children’s book signings. The festival pass includes a 15% discount for use in January toward boat and kayak tours with Rookery Bay’s exclusive ecotour partner, Rising Tide Explorers.
Festival of Birds attendees can customize their experiences by selecting from a variety of field trips, including birding walks, kayak tours, car caravans, swamp buggy rides and boat rides. Trip fees range from free to $160. Advance registration is required.