Art Aid Naples’ second charity event, will be a QUICK DRAW, live plein air auction. It will be held at The Naples Beach Hotel and Golf Club. Over 20 artists will be painting on the grounds from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, 2019. Mayor Bill Barnett will be auctioning off the artwork immediately following the painting, at 12:15 p.m. Proceeds will go to support Legal Aid Service of Collier County. The fee is $10 due to space constrictions for the auction. You can pay using the link below:
Featured artists include:
Cynthia Adams: www.CasaArtStudio.com
Steve Adams: www.CasaArtStudio.com
Cesar Aguilera: www.cesaraguilera.com
Paul Arsenault: www.arsenaultgallery.com
Paula Brody: www.paulabrodyart.com
Juan Diaz: www.juandiazart.com
Richard Diedrich: www.richarddiedrichartist.com
Jean Daniel Dornevil: www.haitianart.weebly.com
Shawn Escott: www.shawnescott.com
Phil Fisher: www.PhilFisherFineArt.com
Popo Flanigan: www.popoflanigan.com
Linda Fleischman: www.lindafleischman.com
Natalie Guess: www.natalieguess.com
Michelle Held: www.artbymichelleheld.com
Rosemarie Kirk: www.rosemariekirk.com
Chris Kling: www.chrisklingartist.com
Mary LaGarde: www.MaryLaGarde.com
Lisa Alfidi Lockemer: www.alfidifineart.com
Amy Moglia Heuerman: www.amymoglia.com
Ralph Papa: www.papagallery.com
Anna Rac: www.annarac.com
Marvin Rouse: www.rousesart.com
Manon Sander: www.ManonSander.com
Lorrie Turner: www.LorrieBTurner.com
Marcus Zotter: www.zotterart.com