Home Business On the ballot: Collier County Public Schools flexible funding

On the ballot: Collier County Public Schools flexible funding

by The 100 Companies
Collier County Public Schools flexible funding

Collier County Public Schools is asking voters to approve a tax-neutral referendum to allow administrators to use capital dollars for operating expenses. The referendum would add a .35 mill operating tax and the District would voluntarily reduce the capital tax by up to .35 mill for the next four years, starting July 2021.

What would the impact be for students? Some capital improvement and maintenance projects would be deferred until there was more funding available. The operating funds will be used to preserve arts, music, career academies, field trips and after-school programs.

Visit CollierSchools.com to learn more about this initiative.

– Denise Murphy, Yes Again for Collier Kids
(Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Yes Again for Collier Kids)

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Watchingtheweasels July 9, 2020 - 9:58 am

After investigating this, I urge every Collier County resident to vote AGAINST the “tax neutral referendum”. It’s being portrayed to the public as a vote “for the kids” and a vote “for flexibility”. In reality, this is a blatant attempt by the Collier School District to transfer state funds from “facilities, maintenance, and equipment” to teacher and administrator salaries and other politically correct causes.

Recent events in our society should have made all of you somewhat suspicious of what is going on in our public school system behind closed doors. What isn’t needed is more money or more flexibility. What is needed is more transparency and more accountability.

It’s important to make sure that public school administrators use public money properly for the purposes it was intended. Vote NO to make sure that money intended for the upkeep of public schools continues to be used for that purpose.

Heidi July 12, 2020 - 7:30 pm

How do you know this information?

Heidi July 12, 2020 - 7:34 pm

Actually I did read something that was in line with what you said. I would rather pay the teachers or give raises to retain or obtain high quality talent thus providing better education to our children than spending $$ on maintaining the building.

ARNOLD ALEXANDER July 15, 2020 - 6:44 pm

Both my parents were school teachers and I was for a short time. Back in “the good old days”, when we actually taught Facts and did not “Brain Wash” little minds, re-write history and inject Social Engineering. The ONLY good thing about closing schools was it decreased Brain Washing Time. WATCHINGTHEWEASELS is exactly correct. Vote AGAINST this power grab.
Save the “facilities, maintenance, and equipment” for when we return to the mission, i.e. teaching facts, real history and “Livehood Skills” again. Open all schools fully and to more observation to assure they are meeting the mission.

Pat July 17, 2020 - 11:08 pm

I don’t believe that paying higher salaries for quality teachers has anything to do with political correctness. A beautiful facility means nothing if the children within are uneducated.

Telesca Family August 1, 2020 - 7:11 am

How does this help home-schooling? Let’s look to the future of our education model.


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